40k Imperial Retcon Stats

Here are some stupid stats, and implied retcons. Mostly centering around how I feel the marines might be distributed in a way that feel semi-realistic.

10 million imperial inhabited worlds

30,000,000,000,000 (30 trillion) mortal troops, 3,000,000 per world (based on Earth today)

10,000,000,000,000 Guardsmen 01,000,000,000,000 Elite Guardsmen

00,025,000,000,000 Scions (Including Commissars & Cadets), Scions are elite enforcers of the Commissariat, military & political police (akin to Feldgendarmerie), often assigned to guard or "inspire" guardsmen by blocking their exit. They are generally gathered from orphanages, the Commissars are generally akin to detective officers.

00,000,010,000,000 Crusaders, these are men that may be armored, but are unable to use firearms. 00,000,250,000,000- Sisters of Battle (Excluding Novitiates), say 25 sisters per world or 125 for every 5. (They do retire at around 45 and pick their successor from the Novitiates)

00,000,500,000,000 Maccabian Mercenaries, a religious "mercenary" order that symbolically works for a "penny" or a wafer of bread per man, on paper they're a private security organisation for guarding sites of holy significance, but in reality they are one of many military organisations run by the church.

01,000,000,000,000 Pilgrim-Zealots, restricted from using most firearms, many zealots use clubs up to industrial chainsaws and other such tools. They are allowed a number of single-shot rifles (.22) and shotguns, for hunting and scaring off predators on their pilgrimage.

00,050,000,000,000 Arbites (FBI-like) 01,500,000,000,000+ Enforcers (Local Policing) often conflated with PDF, and of wide-ranging standards, on some feudal worlds they may not even have firearms.


Marines are broadly intended for operation in unhibatible environments a guard regiment cannot operate, they are somewhat like tankettes and heavy-infantry, they rarely storm buildings due to their weight, rather they level the buildings. Operating in the swampy environments is rarely attempted by their foot soldiers in full power-armor, many will instead operate in Scout-like attire, and are often mistaken for ogryns.

00,000,004,000,000+ Marines (Full status)(10 million prior to Tyranids)

00,000,000,100,000 Custodes Sol-Guard 00,000,000,050,000 Custodes Errant (Tithe Collectors, etc) 00,000,000,000,500 Imperial Fists on Terra (their World-Guard)

00,000,000,005,000 Grey Knights Titan-Guard 00,000,000,010,000 Grey Knights Chamber Militant (Work with the Ordos) 00,000,000,010,000 Grey Knights Errant (Black Tithe Collectors)

00,000,000,000,100 The Damned Company (confused with Legion of the Damned) were/are a long lost Company of marines whose ship was blown apart transiting the warp by their own Legion turned traitor, they have become imperial demons, an unknown Inquisitor "freed them" from chaos, but bound them to a contract whereby they cannot rest until the Legions of Chaos are no more. They are mostly a concept, and thus reflect the faces and symbols of marines lost in battle, those who left the biggest imprint on people's psyche can shroud their flaming form. They seem to manifest due to mass spillings of loyalist marine blood assuming a little of each lost soul's essence.

00,000,000,025,000 Death Watch Ultima 00,000,000,025,000 Death Watch Tempestus 00,000,000,025,000 Death Watch Pacificus 00,000,000,025,000 Death Watch Obscurus

00,000,000,025,000- Legion of the Damned (Penal Marines sent to die in battle, akin to the death-company, but broader, many Neophytes are sent here if their chapter does not find them worthy, it is lead by Errant Overseers and Chaplins from other Chapters who police them.)


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