
40k Imperial Retcon Stats

Here are some stupid stats, and implied retcons. Mostly centering around how I feel the marines might be distributed in a way that feel semi-realistic. 10 million imperial inhabited worlds 30,000,000,000,000 (30 trillion) mortal troops, 3,000,000 per world (based on Earth today) 10,000,000,000,000 Guardsmen 01,000,000,000,000 Elite Guardsmen 00,025,000,000,000 Scions (Including Commissars & Cadets), Scions are elite enforcers of the Commissariat, military & political police (akin to Feldgendarmerie), often assigned to guard or "inspire" guardsmen by blocking their exit. They are generally gathered from orphanages, the Commissars are generally akin to detective officers. 00,000,010,000,000 Crusaders, these are men that may be armored, but are unable to use firearms. 00,000,250,000,000- Sisters of Battle (Excluding Novitiates), say 25 sisters per world or 125 for every 5. (They do retire at around 45 and pick their successor from the Novitiates ) 00,000,500,000,000 Macc...

Pre-40K Retcon (AU)

  -PreHumanity- The Ctan were created by the Old-Ones, thinking machines, but ones gone rouge. The Hrud were the first allies of the Ctan, and were defeated. The Ctan were "jailed" in a star-fortress (type of blackstone fortress). Necrontyr expand, whilst not defaultly genocidal, they are enslavers, they enslave the demilitarized Hrud and brush the borders of Old-One territory. Necrontyr were a relatively young race and were impatient for technology from the Old-Ones, the Hrud told them of the Star-Forts. The Necrontyr scoured the forbidden sectors of space until they found the Star-Fortresses, the Necrontyr interfaced with the Ctan for their information, activating defencive protocols, and thus starting a "2nd" "war in heaven". The Old-Ones were brutally ruthless and inflicted a viral cancer and infertility on the Necrontyr, and sent a bio-warrior race known as the Krorks to wipe them out. The Necrontyr were losing. Arguably they put the Necrontyr in a c...



The Hrud

  Converted Hrud vs Warboss Kaptain Maybe a little confusing that I'm uploading this here, but I've been in the 40k hobby a while, sculpted this using greenstuff, and found a 3d printed model with those wavy arms. Personally I've not been a fan of most of the newer stuff in 40k, Hrud are kind of old-school, but they've never had an official model. There's not a lot of Hrud conversions online, or 3d models, which is surprising given the 3rd party support you can get in most cases. The arms and head sell the look quite well, but up close there are few sins, the jutting symbiote like goo really needed reinforcement as the greenstuff it's made up of has not enough rigidity and it thus sags like a limp... yeah. The feet I just covered in goop. My head cannon is maybe these are power-suits for the ratmen concepts drawn prior to this more imaginative alien design, or that perhaps they are allies in some fashion. Not sure if I'll do more, I have in my head many othe...